




Going Fast and Staying Safe with Mclaren Carroll

While EVS started as a motocross specific protection company when we introduced the first evet motocross specific knee brace in 1985, the crossover aspect of our product being able to be worn in other or sports has grown more and more apparent as the brand has evolved.  As EVS has grown and changed over the years, we have become a one stop shop for any protective gear for almost any activity imaginable including mountain biking, snowmobiling, any/all action sports, and more.  Another avenue that EVS is growing in is the world of karting. 

The need for protective gear, specifically neck protection, has become a necessity for karting and almost every other form of automotive motorsport at nearly every level of racing.  Mclaren has been racing since he was the age of 7 and has been equipped with EVS protective gear like the R2 Race Collar since his first day in the kart.  The need for drivers to utilize neck protection like the R2 is often required by major Karting Racing Organizations like SKUSA, USPKS, WKA and ALL local series but the protective aspects neck protection like the R2 make so much sense that many drivers, including Mclaren, wear the R2 Race Collar whether neck protection is required or not. 

Mclaren Carroll putting the pedal to the metal while staying safe in his R2 Race Collar from EVS Sports.

The R2 Race Collar that Mclaren wears helps prevent major neck injuries such as axial compression, hyperflexion, hyperextension, and lateral hyperflexion but is low profile and comfortable enough that Mclaren isn’t hindered in any way whlie wearing it.  Even at the age of 9 years old, the speeds that Mclaren is hitting when racing are upwards of 60 mph and the idea of a piece of protective equipment like the R2 Race Collar with so many potential benefits and almost no downside makes too much sense to not utilize.  Mclaren has also started utilizing the Technical Undergear (TUG) tops on race days under his race suit.  The KWIK Dry Fabrics utlized throughout the TUG tops and bottoms that Mclaren uses help wick away moisture and keep him cool when he’s behind the wheel.

Mclaren Carroll rocking some Technical Undergear, or TUG, from EVS Sports to help him stay cool and comfortable when he's behind the wheel.

For his age, Mclaren is already making waves in the karting world.  At only 9 years old Mclaren is competing against older kids and doing more than holding his own against them, consistently finishing Top 10 at local events and able to qualify for the main event at the recent SKUSA Super Nationals competitng against 66 of the fastest kids in the World.  While Mclaren is still young he already has big goals for his racing career, both short term and long term.  Continuing to progress and move up in Karting is the main goal right now with the end goals being winning SuperNationals.  After Karting Mclaren wants to ‘graduate’ to next steps that could earning a drive in either Nascar or Indycar while the ultimate dream goal would be to race in Formula 1. 

While Mclaren is improving at a rapid rate and has big goals in mind, his father Todd tries to keep the focus on having fun, improving each time we hit the track, and keep him safe.   “Mclaren and I will do what we can to be as fast as we can but I think it’s important to keep things light/fun at all times.  Making sure he’s enjoying it  is very important to me.” says Todd Carroll. 

EVS Sports equipped Mclaren Carroll taking the white flag!

Having fun, driving fast, and progressing towards his goals is what Mclaren and his father are all about and EVS is happy to keep Mclaren protected every time he’s behind the wheel!

#TeamEVS #WeAreProtection

Written by Jackson Halsmer

1 Response

Barbara Thompson

Barbara Thompson

March 04, 2022

Really informative article that emphasizes the importance of safety. I will be watching McLaren Carroll’s progress while having confidence that products like yours are doing everything to keep him safe.

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